Short Final
About 40 years ago, when I was learning to fly at Christchurch International in New Zealand, I was holding for take-off on the grass when I heard this exchange from the tower with a visiting farmer who was heading back to the farm. Tower:“You’re cleared for take-off – runway 29.” Farmer:“Cleared for take-off; 29. Tower (a little while later) :“Bravo Chalie Alpha, nice take-off.” Farmer:“Uh, thank you, tower.” Tower:“Just one small thing: Next time, can you use the runway instead of the taxiway?” Barrie Smithvia e-mail
About 40 years ago, when I was learning to fly at Christchurch International in New Zealand, I was holding for take-off on the grass when I heard this exchange from the tower with a visiting farmer who was heading back to the farm.
"You're cleared for take-off - runway 29."
"Cleared for take-off; 29.
Tower (a little while later) :
"Bravo Chalie Alpha, nice take-off."
"Uh, thank you, tower."
"Just one small thing: Next time, can you use the runway instead of the taxiway?"
Barrie Smith
via e-mail

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