Short Final

Back in the early ’70s, I was an FO for now-defunct Cascade Airways in the Pacific Northwest. We were known to ATC as the VFR on-top airline. The following exchange was heard one day: ATC:“Ah, Cascade 123, Seattle Center; what do the clouds look like for you out there?” Cascade 123:“Well, let’s see — there’s one at 12 o’Clock that looks like a fat little bunny and another at 9 o’Clock that looks like a big pony with a really long tail.” ATC:[no reply] Bob Kayvia e-mail

Back in the early '70s, I was an FO for now-defunct Cascade Airways in the Pacific Northwest. We were known to ATC as the VFR on-top airline. The following exchange was heard one day:

"Ah, Cascade 123, Seattle Center; what do the clouds look like for you out there?"

Cascade 123:
"Well, let's see -- there's one at 12 o'Clock that looks like a fat little bunny and another at 9 o'Clock that looks like a big pony with a really long tail."

[no reply]

Bob Kay
via e-mail