Short Final

From “many years ago”: N12345:“Las Vegas Radio, this is N12345. Request airport advisory for landing Las Vegas. And would you please call Caesar’s Palace for transportation?” Las Vegas Radio:“N12345, Las Vegas Radio. Stand by for airport advisory – and I will call Caesar’s Palace if you want, but it will be 19 hours before they get here. This is Las Vegas, New Mexico!” Joe H. Morgan Jr.via e-mail

From "many years ago":

"Las Vegas Radio, this is N12345. Request airport advisory for landing Las Vegas. And would you please call Caesar's Palace for transportation?"

Las Vegas Radio:
"N12345, Las Vegas Radio. Stand by for airport advisory - and I will call Caesar's Palace if you want, but it will be 19 hours before they get here. This is Las Vegas, New Mexico!"

Joe H. Morgan Jr.
via e-mail