Short Final
We were holding short at Newark Liberty airport when the previous 737 called the tower shortly after it lifted off from Newark’s notoriously bumpy runway. Continental Airliner:“Tower, this is Continental XXXX. Do you have time for a runway report?” Newark Tower:“Yeah. Go ahead.” Continental:“Tell the Port Authority on this take-off, about 2,500 feet down the runway, we encountered a smooth spot.” Newark Tower:[dead silence] M.D. Larsonvia e-mail
We were holding short at Newark Liberty airport when the previous 737 called the tower shortly after it lifted off from Newark's notoriously bumpy runway.
Continental Airliner:
"Tower, this is Continental XXXX. Do you have time for a runway report?"
Newark Tower:
"Yeah. Go ahead."
"Tell the Port Authority on this take-off, about 2,500 feet down the runway, we encountered a smooth spot."
Newark Tower:
[dead silence]
M.D. Larson
via e-mail

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