Short Final

Heard on the ATL Approach: Cessna 123:“ATL, can we get flight following?” ATL:“123, give location.” Cessna 123:“Squawk 0130, baro 30.21.” Cessna 123:“South of VPC.” ATL:“123, you’re squawking the baro pressure. Squawk 0130.” (He must have been partying late.) Gary Austinvia e-mail

Heard on the ATL Approach:

Cessna 123:
"ATL, can we get flight following?"

"123, give location."

Cessna 123:
"Squawk 0130, baro 30.21."

Cessna 123:
"South of VPC."

"123, you're squawking the baro pressure. Squawk 0130."

(He must have been partying late.)

Gary Austin
via e-mail