Short Final
I was on my way to a fly-in at KMPV last Saturday, VFR on flight following with Boston Center. It was quite busy. Over 60 planes from all over New England were converging (some IFR, some VFR) when I heard one pilot check on by asking whether that was the correct frequency and, “Do you control this airspace?” Without hesitation, the very helpful, friendly, and very busy controller replied, “In your location, I own from the surface up to God.” I wonder how high that goes. Is that Class G airspace? Jim Quinnvia e-mail
I was on my way to a fly-in at KMPV last Saturday, VFR on flight following with Boston Center. It was quite busy. Over 60 planes from all over New England were converging (some IFR, some VFR) when I heard one pilot check on by asking whether that was the correct frequency and, "Do you control this airspace?"
Without hesitation, the very helpful, friendly, and very busy controller replied, "In your location, I own from the surface up to God."
I wonder how high that goes. Is that Class G airspace?
Jim Quinn
via e-mail

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