Short Final

Overheard in IFR Magazine‘s “On the Air” During my IFR training at Duluth (Minnesota) International Airport, I’d just declared a missed approach. Here’s the exchange I had with ATC: Tower:“Cessna One Two Three Four Alpha: Fly heading of zero niner zero. Climb and maintain 3,200.” Me:“Zero niner zero, climb and maintain 2,200.” Tower:“Make that 3,000.” Me:“Climb and maintain 3,000.” Tower:“That should be 3,200. We’ll get it right eventually.” Me:“But will I? Climb and maintain 3,200.” Woody MinarDresser, Wisconsin

Overheard in IFR Magazine's 'On the Air' Section
Overheard in IFR Magazine's "On the Air"

During my IFR training at Duluth (Minnesota) International Airport, I'd just declared a missed approach. Here's the exchange I had with ATC:

"Cessna One Two Three Four Alpha: Fly heading of zero niner zero. Climb and maintain 3,200."

"Zero niner zero, climb and maintain 2,200."

"Make that 3,000."

"Climb and maintain 3,000."

"That should be 3,200. We'll get it right eventually."

"But will I? Climb and maintain 3,200."

Woody Minar
Dresser, Wisconsin