Short Final
Yellowknife Tower:“British Airways, this is Yellowknife Control.” [No response.] [Long pause.] Yellowknife Tower:“Cherokee XYZ, this is Yellowknife Control.” Cherokee XYZ:“Yellowknife, this is XYZ.” Yellowknife Tower:“We gave you the wrong transponder code on takeoff; please change to 1234.” [Pause.] Yellowknife Tower:“We mistook you for British Airways.” Cherokee XYZ:“Easy mistake.” Chris Hollowayvia e-mail
Yellowknife Tower:
"British Airways, this is Yellowknife Control."
[No response.]
[Long pause.]
Yellowknife Tower:
"Cherokee XYZ, this is Yellowknife Control."
Cherokee XYZ:
"Yellowknife, this is XYZ."
Yellowknife Tower:
"We gave you the wrong transponder code on takeoff; please change to 1234."
Yellowknife Tower:
"We mistook you for British Airways."
Cherokee XYZ:
"Easy mistake."
Chris Holloway
via e-mail

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