Short Final
Overheard in IFR Magazine‘s “On the Air” Approach:“Cessna One Two Three X-Ray Yankee: Traffic is at your 12 o’clock, 5 miles and 3000 feet – a Saab 340.” Cessna 123XY:“Looking. Where is he? Over the river?” Approach:“Traffic no factor. He’s over the river, through the woods, and on his way to grandmother’s house. Contact tower now on 120.7.” Peter Ver LeeBangor, Maine

"Cessna One Two Three X-Ray Yankee: Traffic is at your 12 o'clock, 5 miles and 3000 feet - a Saab 340."
Cessna 123XY:
"Looking. Where is he? Over the river?"
"Traffic no factor. He's over the river, through the woods, and on his way to grandmother's house. Contact tower now on 120.7."
Peter Ver Lee
Bangor, Maine

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