Short Final
Overheard in IFR Magazine‘s “On the Air” I heard this one at Detroit Metro as I was taxiing to parking. It was between a helicopter pilot and the control tower quite early one morning: Helicopter Pilot:“Metro tower, Helicopter 234 at Signature. Request northwest departure information Tango.” Tower:“Helicopter 234, northwest departure approved. No known traffic in the area. Departure is at your own risk; area not visible from the tower.” Helicopter Pilot:“Helicopter 234: Roger – departure approved, and it’s always at our own risk: We’re in a helicopter!” Geoff BradenColumbus, Ohio

I heard this one at Detroit Metro as I was taxiing to parking. It was between a helicopter pilot and the control tower quite early one morning:
Helicopter Pilot:
"Metro tower, Helicopter 234 at Signature. Request northwest departure information Tango."
"Helicopter 234, northwest departure approved. No known traffic in the area. Departure is at your own risk; area not visible from the tower."
Helicopter Pilot:
"Helicopter 234: Roger - departure approved, and it's always at our own risk: We're in a helicopter!"
Geoff Braden
Columbus, Ohio

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