Short Final

Overheard in IFR Magazine‘s “On the Air” A few years back, when I only had my VFR ticket with only a few night flights under my belt, I was departing Austin, Texas for Lufkin on a perfectly clear, still night. When getting clearance, I asked the controller for flight following. She told me to talk to departure. It turned out that the same lady was working clearance delivery, ground, and departure – I was her only customer for all three. Me:“Departure: [I repeated departure instructions.] And could I get that flight following?” Departure:“Cessna Zero Three Quebec, readback correct. But darlin’ – there’s nobody out there except for you, me, and the owls.” Elena CampbellLufkin, Texas

Overheard in IFR Magazine's 'On the Air' Section
Overheard in IFR Magazine's "On the Air"

A few years back, when I only had my VFR ticket with only a few night flights under my belt, I was departing Austin, Texas for Lufkin on a perfectly clear, still night. When getting clearance, I asked the controller for flight following. She told me to talk to departure. It turned out that the same lady was working clearance delivery, ground, and departure - I was her only customer for all three.

"Departure: [I repeated departure instructions.] And could I get that flight following?"

"Cessna Zero Three Quebec, readback correct. But darlin' - there's nobody out there except for you, me, and the owls."

Elena Campbell
Lufkin, Texas