Short Final
Overheard in IFR Magazine‘s “On the Air” Skimming the tops at 6,000 feet, we heard this on New York approach: Jet Set 123:“Approach, if you give us 6,000, it’ll put us right on top.” New York Approach:“Jet Set One Twenty-Three, if I give you 6,000 it’ll put you in the windshield of a Cessna.” Steven Corwinvia e-mail

Skimming the tops at 6,000 feet, we heard this on New York approach:
Jet Set 123:
"Approach, if you give us 6,000, it'll put us right on top."
New York Approach:
"Jet Set One Twenty-Three, if I give you 6,000 it'll put you in the windshield of a Cessna."
Steven Corwin
via e-mail

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