Short Final
An exchange overheard while flying over the Mojave Desert: Joshua Approach:“Bonanza 50Y, traffic two o’clock, five miles. Unmanned aerial vehicle has you in sight.” 50Y (me):“50Y looking. If he’s ‘unmanned,’ how can he have me in sight?” Joshua Approach:“Oh. He’s got a T-38 spotter plane, so really it’s a flight of two … . Now you’re three o’clock, three miles.” 50Y:Yeah, I was kidding. I know they have cameras and instrumentation. But I still don’t have them in sight.” Joshua Approach:“They’re passing behind you now. No factor. And we usually reserve the ‘I can’t see him’ jokes for the F-117s that come through here.” Marc Zornvia e-mail
An exchange overheard while flying over the Mojave Desert:
Joshua Approach:
"Bonanza 50Y, traffic two o'clock, five miles. Unmanned aerial vehicle has you in sight."
50Y (me):
"50Y looking. If he's 'unmanned,' how can he have me in sight?"
Joshua Approach:
"Oh. He's got a T-38 spotter plane, so really it's a flight of two ... . Now you're three o'clock, three miles."
Yeah, I was kidding. I know they have cameras and instrumentation. But I still don't have them in sight."
Joshua Approach:
"They're passing behind you now. No factor. And we usually reserve the 'I can't see him' jokes for the F-117s that come through here."
Marc Zorn
via e-mail

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