Short Final
Overheard in IFR Magazine‘s “On the Air” I was en route to a New England airport famous for its fog. The ATIS reported below minimums but gradual ix, improving. Approach said to expect the ILS, and I could hear one aircraft ahead, a local airliner. Approach cleared me for the approach and sent the other aircraft to tower. Me:“Did the aircraft ahead get in?” Approach:“Well, he didn’t fly the missed. Contact tower.” Me:“Tower, at what altitude did the previous plane break out?” [pause] Tower:“I didn’t ask.” Me (after landing a little proudly):“Tower, be advised that we broke out just above minimums.” Tower:“Everybody does.” John Wardvia e-mail

I was en route to a New England airport famous for its fog. The ATIS reported below minimums but gradual ix, improving. Approach said to expect the ILS, and I could hear one aircraft ahead, a local airliner. Approach cleared me for the approach and sent the other aircraft to tower.
"Did the aircraft ahead get in?"
"Well, he didn't fly the missed. Contact tower."
"Tower, at what altitude did the previous plane break out?"
"I didn't ask."
Me (after landing a little proudly):
"Tower, be advised that we broke out just above minimums."
"Everybody does."
John Ward
via e-mail

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