Short Final

We were a flight of three consisting of two Cessna 180s and one Maule headed into the Lake Parker holding pattern [for Sun ‘n Fun 2008]. We had dropped to extended trail and began circling the lake following a Glastar, and we had two twins holding above us as well. After about 20 minutes of circling and waiting for the field to re-open after the airshow, we were joined in the hold by a new Cirrus pilot. Controller:“Tailwheels, nice job keeping the seperation. Keep the pattern a little closer to the shoreline on the west side of the lake. The field should open in the next 10 to 15 minutes. Cirrus, enter the hold behind the red-and-black high wing.” Cirrus:“Control, we have a rental car waiting for us, and if we don’t get down there in time they may give it away. Could we get priority consideration as soon as the field opens?” Maule:“Control, we have cold beer waiting for us in the campground, and if we don’t get down there in time, it may get warm. Could we get priority consideration as soon as the field opens?” Controller (laughing):“All aircraft continue in the hold for now. We will advise when the field re-opens and release the aircraft as they arrived.” Chris Davisvia e-mail during Sun ‘n Fun

We were a flight of three consisting of two Cessna 180s and one Maule headed into the Lake Parker holding pattern [for Sun 'n Fun 2008]. We had dropped to extended trail and began circling the lake following a Glastar, and we had two twins holding above us as well. After about 20 minutes of circling and waiting for the field to re-open after the airshow, we were joined in the hold by a new Cirrus pilot.

"Tailwheels, nice job keeping the seperation. Keep the pattern a little closer to the shoreline on the west side of the lake. The field should open in the next 10 to 15 minutes. Cirrus, enter the hold behind the red-and-black high wing."

"Control, we have a rental car waiting for us, and if we don't get down there in time they may give it away. Could we get priority consideration as soon as the field opens?"

"Control, we have cold beer waiting for us in the campground, and if we don't get down there in time, it may get warm. Could we get priority consideration as soon as the field opens?"

Controller (laughing):
"All aircraft continue in the hold for now. We will advise when the field re-opens and release the aircraft as they arrived."

Chris Davis
via e-mail during Sun 'n Fun