Short Final

Today’s “Short Final” breaks with tradition a bit by not being heard over the radio – but we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to share this tale: “I was coming back from Tampa in the early evening heading for Craig in my 182. Over Gainesville I came around a large cloud and came face to face with a UFO. “Black, octagon-shaped with spikes, clearly not of terrestrial origin. I turned toward it. Heart racing, sweating like a pig, I could barely hold her steady. I don’t believe in UFOss but there it was. About a mile out, it turns, and I can see the word Goodyear on it’s side. “What I saw in the fading light was the Blimp on end. “But for a brief moment, I was making history. “Things are often not what they seem.” Dr. James L. Jonesvia e-mail

Today's "Short Final" breaks with tradition a bit by not being heard over the radio - but we couldn't pass up the opportunity to share this tale:

"I was coming back from Tampa in the early evening heading for Craig in my 182. Over Gainesville I came around a large cloud and came face to face with a UFO.

"Black, octagon-shaped with spikes, clearly not of terrestrial origin. I turned toward it. Heart racing, sweating like a pig, I could barely hold her steady. I don't believe in UFOss but there it was. About a mile out, it turns, and I can see the word Goodyear on it's side.

"What I saw in the fading light was the Blimp on end.

"But for a brief moment, I was making history.

"Things are often not what they seem."

Dr. James L. Jones
via e-mail