Short Final

Overheard in IFR Magazine‘s “On the Air” We were in our Seneca performing the pre-takeoff run-up at Orlando, Florida when we heard this exchange on ground control frequency: Cessna:“Orlando Ground, Ccssna Two Three Four, clear of the active.” Ground Control:“Cessna Two Three Four, taxi to the ramp.” Cessna [still on ground frequency but thinking he’d switched to unicom 122.95] :“Executive Air, ah, this is Cessna Two Three Four – we’re going to need some gas.” Ground Control:“I’ve got plenty of gas, but I don’t think it’ll work very well in your airplane. Try Executive Air on 122.95.” Gary SageGrand Rapids, Michigan

Overheard in IFR Magazine's 'On the Air' Section
Overheard in IFR Magazine's "On the Air"

We were in our Seneca performing the pre-takeoff run-up at Orlando, Florida when we heard this exchange on ground control frequency:

"Orlando Ground, Ccssna Two Three Four, clear of the active."

Ground Control:
"Cessna Two Three Four, taxi to the ramp."

Cessna [still on ground frequency but thinking he'd switched to unicom 122.95] :
"Executive Air, ah, this is Cessna Two Three Four - we're going to need some gas."

Ground Control:
"I've got plenty of gas, but I don't think it'll work very well in your airplane. Try Executive Air on 122.95."

Gary Sage
Grand Rapids, Michigan