Short Final

Overheard on a recent trip from Cross City to DeLand (Fla.), with flight following provided by Orlando Approach: Orlando Approach:“Cardinal 12345, destination is 12 o’clock 10 miles. Advise you have destination in sight.” Cardinal 345:“Approach, 345 has destination in sight.” Orlando Approach:“Cardinal 345, Squawk VFR, frequency change approved, no traffic observed between you and your present position.” Cardinal (pilot to co-pilot):“I think that’s good!” Dee Ann Edigervia e-mail

Overheard on a recent trip from Cross City to DeLand (Fla.), with flight following provided by Orlando Approach:

Orlando Approach:
"Cardinal 12345, destination is 12 o'clock 10 miles. Advise you have destination in sight."

Cardinal 345:
"Approach, 345 has destination in sight."

Orlando Approach:
"Cardinal 345, Squawk VFR, frequency change approved, no traffic observed between you and your present position."

Cardinal (pilot to co-pilot):
"I think that's good!"

Dee Ann Ediger
via e-mail