Short Final

Overheard in IFR Magazine‘s “On the Air” With my CFII Jim in the right seat, we were on vectors to Allentown Airport for practice instrument approaches. En route, we heard the approach controller making the following call to another pilot in the area. Approach:Cessna One Three Four, two o’clock, same altitude, have you spotted it? Cessna 134:No, I’m under the hood. Ed DolezalBridgewater, New Jersey

Overheard in IFR Magazine's 'On the Air' Section
Overheard in IFR Magazine's "On the Air"

With my CFII Jim in the right seat, we were on vectors to Allentown Airport for practice instrument approaches. En route, we heard the approach controller making the following call to another pilot in the area.

Cessna One Three Four, two o'clock, same altitude, have you spotted it?

Cessna 134:
No, I'm under the hood.

Ed Dolezal
Bridgewater, New Jersey