Short Final

Overheard in IFR Magazine‘s “On the Air” Flying our Bonanza from Cape Cod, Massachusetts to Morristown, New Jersey at 6,000 feet with a big thunderstorm to the west, we were handed off to New York approach:Me:Approach, Bonanza Eight Zero Lima level 6,000, heading 270.Approach:Bonanza Eight Zero Lima, descend and maintain 5,000.Me:Okay to stay at 6,000 for a better view of the weather ahead?Approach:Whaddever, sure, stay at 6,000.Later, we were close to some buildups when approach turned us right to 280 degrees.Me:Eighty Lima, would really rather turn left about 10 degrees to stay out of the buildups ahead.Approach (Exasperated Tone):Okay, do whatever vou want to do. Just let me know when you’re done.

Overheard in IFR Magazine's 'On the Air' Section
Overheard in IFR Magazine's "On the Air"

Flying our Bonanza from Cape Cod, Massachusetts to Morristown, New Jersey at 6,000 feet with a big thunderstorm to the west, we were handed off to New York approach:

Approach, Bonanza Eight Zero Lima level 6,000, heading 270.

Bonanza Eight Zero Lima, descend and maintain 5,000.

Okay to stay at 6,000 for a better view of the weather ahead?

Whaddever, sure, stay at 6,000.

Later, we were close to some buildups when approach turned us right to 280 degrees.

Eighty Lima, would really rather turn left about 10 degrees to stay out of the buildups ahead.

Approach (Exasperated Tone):
Okay, do whatever vou want to do. Just let me know when you're done.