Short Final

Overheard in IFR Magazine‘s “On the Air” Flying home to Portland Troutdale (KTTD) from Medford, Ore. (KMFR) Friday night, I heard the following: Portland Approach: November One Two Charlie, traffic ten oclock, southbound at 9,000, a Navajo. 12C: Were looking. Approach: Correction, its a Malibu. 12C: Still looking. Approach: Sorry, its really a Navajo. Oh well, what the heck, its dark.

Overheard in IFR Magazine's 'On the Air' Section
Overheard in IFR Magazine's "On the Air"

Flying home to Portland Troutdale (KTTD) from Medford, Ore. (KMFR) Friday night, I heard the following:

Portland Approach: November One Two Charlie, traffic ten oclock, southbound at 9,000, a Navajo.

12C: Were looking.

Approach: Correction, its a Malibu.

12C: Still looking.

Approach: Sorry, its really a Navajo. Oh well, what the heck, its dark.