Short Final
Overheard in IFR Magazine‘s “On the Air” Heard one day near Chicago: Chicago Center: Southwest Two Four One Three, traffic at your nine oclock, three miles. Southwest 2413: What kind of a plane is that? Center: Beech Seven Two Two, what type plane are you flying? Beech 722: Bonanza F33A. Center: Southwest did you copy? Southwest 2413 [other pilots voice]: I dont know why he wants to know – he cant afford it.

Heard one day near Chicago:
Chicago Center: Southwest Two Four One Three, traffic at your nine oclock, three miles.
Southwest 2413: What kind of a plane is that?
Center: Beech Seven Two Two, what type plane are you flying?
Beech 722: Bonanza F33A.
Center: Southwest did you copy?
Southwest 2413 [other pilots voice]: I dont know why he wants to know - he cant afford it.

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