Short Final

Overheard in IFR Magazine‘s “On the Air” Overheard at the Shreveport Downtown (KDTN) Airport, from a student pilot still very green on the radio. N3AB: Uh, Downtown Ground, this is Cessna Three Alpha Bravo, will be taxiing to the north practice area, negative radar. Downtown Ground [amused]: Cessna Three Alpha Bravo, I guess that would be quite a long taxi, wouldnt it? N3AB [after a short pause]: Uh, Downtown Ground, Cessna Three Alpha Bravo, uh, say again? Ground [chuckling]: Cessna Three Alpha Bravo, never mind, taxi to runway one four.

Overheard in IFR Magazine's 'On the Air' Section
Overheard in IFR Magazine's "On the Air"

Overheard at the Shreveport Downtown (KDTN) Airport, from a student pilot still very green on the radio.

N3AB: Uh, Downtown Ground, this is Cessna Three Alpha Bravo, will be taxiing to the north practice area, negative radar.

Downtown Ground [amused]: Cessna Three Alpha Bravo, I guess that would be quite a long taxi, wouldnt it?

N3AB [after a short pause]: Uh, Downtown Ground, Cessna Three Alpha Bravo, uh, say again?

Ground [chuckling]: Cessna Three Alpha Bravo, never mind, taxi to runway one four.