Short Final
Overheard in IFR Magazine‘s “On the Air” Overheard at the Shreveport Downtown (KDTN) Airport, from a student pilot still very green on the radio. N3AB: Uh, Downtown Ground, this is Cessna Three Alpha Bravo, will be taxiing to the north practice area, negative radar. Downtown Ground [amused]: Cessna Three Alpha Bravo, I guess that would be quite a long taxi, wouldnt it? N3AB [after a short pause]: Uh, Downtown Ground, Cessna Three Alpha Bravo, uh, say again? Ground [chuckling]: Cessna Three Alpha Bravo, never mind, taxi to runway one four.

Overheard at the Shreveport Downtown (KDTN) Airport, from a student pilot still very green on the radio.
N3AB: Uh, Downtown Ground, this is Cessna Three Alpha Bravo, will be taxiing to the north practice area, negative radar.
Downtown Ground [amused]: Cessna Three Alpha Bravo, I guess that would be quite a long taxi, wouldnt it?
N3AB [after a short pause]: Uh, Downtown Ground, Cessna Three Alpha Bravo, uh, say again?
Ground [chuckling]: Cessna Three Alpha Bravo, never mind, taxi to runway one four.

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