Short Final

Overheard in IFR Magazine‘s “On the Air” The following exchange took place en route to opening day at Sun ‘n Fun last April Bonanza: Jacksonville Center, Bonanza Four Seven Two Zero Yankee. 11,000. Center: Bonanza Four Seven Two Zero Yankee, Roger, Jacksonville altimeter 30.12. Bonanza: Are you working a lot of traffic to Lakeland this afternoon? Center: I’ll tell you what — if you fell out of your airplane right now, you’d never hit the ground.

Overheard in IFR Magazine's 'On the Air' Section
Overheard in IFR Magazine's "On the Air"

The following exchange took place en route to opening day at Sun 'n Fun last April

Bonanza: Jacksonville Center, Bonanza Four Seven Two Zero Yankee. 11,000.

Center: Bonanza Four Seven Two Zero Yankee, Roger, Jacksonville altimeter 30.12.

Bonanza: Are you working a lot of traffic to Lakeland this afternoon?

Center: I'll tell you what -- if you fell out of your airplane right now, you'd never hit the ground.