Short Final
The following exchange took place enroute to opening day at Sun ‘n’ Fun last April: Bonanza: Jacksonville Center, Bonanza Two Zero Yankee. 11,000. Center: Bonanza Two Zero Yankee, Roger, Jacksonville altimeter 30.12. Bonanza: Are you working a lot of traffic to Lakeland this afternoon? Center: I’ll tell you what — if you fell out of your airplane right now, you’d never hit the ground.
The following exchange took place enroute to opening day at Sun 'n' Fun last April:
Bonanza: Jacksonville Center, Bonanza Two Zero Yankee. 11,000.
Center: Bonanza Two Zero Yankee, Roger, Jacksonville altimeter 30.12.
Bonanza: Are you working a lot of traffic to Lakeland this afternoon?
Center: I'll tell you what -- if you fell out of your airplane right now, you'd never hit the ground.

Editorial StaffAVweb
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