Short Final
We were in our Seneca performing the pre-takeoff run-up at Orlando Executive Airport when we heard this exchange on ground control frequency: Cessna: Orlando ground, Cessna Two Three Four, clear of the active. Ground: Cessna Two Three Four, taxi to the ramp. Cessna (still on ground frequency but thinking he’d switched to unicom 122.95): Executive Air…ah, this is Cessna Two Three Four…we’re going to need some gas. Ground: I’ve got plenty of gas, but I don’t think it’ll work very well in your airplane. Try Executive Air on 122.95.
We were in our Seneca performing the pre-takeoff run-up at Orlando Executive Airport when we heard this exchange on ground control frequency:
Cessna: Orlando ground, Cessna Two Three Four, clear of the active.
Ground: Cessna Two Three Four, taxi to the ramp.
Cessna (still on ground frequency but thinking he'd switched to unicom 122.95): Executive Air...ah, this is Cessna Two Three Four...we're going to need some gas.
Ground: I've got plenty of gas, but I don't think it'll work very well in your airplane. Try Executive Air on 122.95.

Editorial StaffAVweb
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