Short Final

While returning from a cross country into Ellington Field… Tower: Warrior 123, enter right downwind for 35L. Warrior 123: Roger, downwind 35L Tower: Warrior 123, wind calm, cleared for 22 if you like. Warrior 123: Roger. Cleared for 22. [Short pause] Warrior 123: Tower, am i cleared for 22? Because ther is a truck in the middle of the runway… Tower: Warrior 123, go around. Warrior 123: [While applying power and retracting flaps] Could you get him to move over, because I don’t think I can get around him. Tower: GO AROUND! GO AROUND! GO AROUND! What can I say? Sometimes the little devil on my shoulder wins.

While returning from a cross country into Ellington Field...

Tower: Warrior 123, enter right downwind for 35L.

Warrior 123: Roger, downwind 35L

Tower: Warrior 123, wind calm, cleared for 22 if you like.

Warrior 123: Roger. Cleared for 22.

[Short pause]

Warrior 123: Tower, am i cleared for 22? Because ther is a truck in the middle of the runway...

Tower: Warrior 123, go around.

Warrior 123: [While applying power and retracting flaps] Could you get him to move over, because I don't think I can get around him.


What can I say? Sometimes the little devil on my shoulder wins.