Short Final

Lady ATC Controller (in a somewhat monotone and hard-to-hear voice): Airliner 123, proceed direct FATHR. Airliner 123: Say again for 123. ATC: 123, proceed direct FATHR. Airliner: Couldn’t quite understand you. center. Say again. ATC (now in a slow, deliberate but still monotone voice): Airliner 123, proceed direct FATHR, as in “Luke, I am your father.” Airliner 123 (with chuckles): Direct FATHR, 123. Later on, for a frequency change … ATC: Airliner 123, contact center on 123.45. Airliner 123: Center on 123.45, and may the force be with you.

Heard over Miami Center last week:

Lady ATC Controller (in a somewhat monotone and hard-to-hear voice): Airliner 123, proceed direct FATHR.

Airliner 123: Say again for 123.

ATC: 123, proceed direct FATHR.

Airliner: Couldn't quite understand you. center. Say again.

ATC (now in a slow, deliberate but still monotone voice): Airliner 123, proceed direct FATHR, as in "Luke, I am your father."

Airliner 123 (with chuckles): Direct FATHR, 123.

Later on, for a frequency change ...

ATC: Airliner 123, contact center on 123.45.

Airliner 123: Center on 123.45, and may the force be with you.