Short Final…
Caution: Greenhorn on the runway… As I taxied into the number two position (holding short of the runway behind one of the local flightschool aircraft) I switched to tower frequency — just in time to hear the following transmission between the tower and student pilot: Tower: Skyhawk 123 taxi into position and hold. (pause) Skyhawk 123: Aaaah … (short pause) Skyhawk 123: … Assume the position, 123.
Caution: Greenhorn on the runway...
As I taxied into the number two position (holding short of the runway behind one of the local flightschool aircraft) I switched to tower frequency -- just in time to hear the following transmission between the tower and student pilot:
Tower: Skyhawk 123 taxi into position and hold.
Skyhawk 123: Aaaah ...
(short pause)
Skyhawk 123: ... Assume the position, 123.

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