Short Final…

Somtimes they’re a little busy… Overheard inbound to EAA’s AirVenture Oshkosh, 2003, where only the controllers on the ground speak and pilots respond by rocking their wings. Controller: Bell Helicopter, Fisk Approach. If you read, rock your wings. [pause] Controller: Right… OK, I guess you really don’t have any wings. Bell Helicopter, if you read, transmit. Helicopter: I read you, Fisk. Controller: Roger, enter left traffic for runway 36, welcome to Oshkosh … you’ve earned your wings today.

Somtimes they're a little busy...

Overheard inbound to EAA's AirVenture, Oshkosh, 2003, where only the controllers on the ground speak and pilots respond by rocking their wings.

Controller: Bell Helicopter, Fisk Approach. If you read, rock your wings.

Controller: Right... OK, I guess you really don't have any wings. Bell Helicopter, if you read, transmit.

Helicopter: I read you, Fisk.

Controller: Roger, enter left traffic for runway 36, welcome to Oshkosh ... you've earned your wings today.