Short Final…

On an a typical IFR day on the East coast of Florida, I heard a Piper Cherokee check in with Miami Center… Cherokee N123: Miami Center, Cherokee N123 at 4000, ATIS for Palm Beach.Miami Center: Cherokee N123, maintian 4000.Cherokee: Center, I’ll need to get lower to land at Palm Beach.Center: Cherokee N123, let me see what I can arrange. (Short pause)Center: Cherokee N123, I’ve got good news. Apparently, you’ll be landing at 4000 feet today.

On an a typical IFR day on the East coast of Florida, I heard a Piper Cherokee check in with Miami Center...

Cherokee N123: Miami Center, Cherokee N123 at 4000, ATIS for Palm Beach.Miami Center: Cherokee N123, maintian 4000.
Cherokee: Center, I'll need to get lower to land at Palm Beach.
Center: Cherokee N123, let me see what I can arrange.
(Short pause)
Center: Cherokee N123, I've got good news. Apparently, you'll be landing at 4000 feet today.