Short Final…
…Overheard one evening in August just west of ATL: Tower: (To aircraft doing touch and goes alone in the pattern) …You watching the fireworks just north of here? Piper1234: Yup … what’s the holiday on August 18th that includes fireworks? Tower: No clue. Unidentified: Well, I know what it is. Ten year aniversary of my diviorce.(pause)…And now I know where the money has gone.
...Overheard one evening in August just west of ATL:
Tower: (To aircraft doing touch and goes alone in the pattern) ...You watching the fireworks just north of here?
Piper1234: Yup ... what's the holiday on August 18th that includes fireworks?
Tower: No clue.
Unidentified: Well, I know what it is. Ten year aniversary of my diviorce.
...And now I know where the money has gone.

Editorial StaffAVweb
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