Short Final…
A Cessna 182 and a Christen Eagle were on parallel approach for 28L and 28R, respectively, at FCM… Tower: Cessna XXX, do you have traffic? Cessna: Cessna XXX has the traffic, he’s right beside me. Tower: Eagle XXX, traffic is a Cessna 182 on parallel for 28L, Eagle XXX is cleared for landing, Runway 28R. Christen Eagle: Roger, Eagle XXX has traffic, cleared to land Runway 28R. Cessna: Tower, Cessna XXX here, can you let me know when … (pause) …. “the Eagle has landed”? (Several seconds of silence on frequency.) Unidentified voice: Smart @ss.
A Cessna 182 and a Christen Eagle were on parallel approach for 28L and 28R, respectively, at FCM...
Tower: Cessna XXX, do you have traffic?
Cessna: Cessna XXX has the traffic, he's right beside me.
Tower: Eagle XXX, traffic is a Cessna 182 on parallel for 28L, Eagle XXX is cleared for landing, Runway 28R.
Christen Eagle: Roger, Eagle XXX has traffic, cleared to land Runway 28R.
Cessna: Tower, Cessna XXX here, can you let me know when ...
.... "The Eagle has Landed".
(several seconds of silence on frequency)
Unidentified voice: Smart @ss.
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