Short Final: Descending Down
Passing through New York’s airspace this summer, we heard the following: New York Approach: “Airliner 123 descend maintain 5000.” Airliner 123: “Descend 5000.” New York Approach two minutes later: “Airliner…

Passing through New York’s airspace this summer, we heard the following:
New York Approach: “Airliner 123 descend maintain 5000.”
Airliner 123: “Descend 5000.”
New York Approach two minutes later: “Airliner 123 descend maintain 5000, you appear to be climbing.”
Airliner 123: “We are descending.”
New York Approach: “Well you appear to be descending up, I need you to descend down. You were at 5200 now you are at 5600. Check your instruments and descend the other way.”
Airliner 123 (meekly): “Descending 5000.”
Joe Shandlay
Doylestown, Pennsylvania

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