Short Final: Three’s A Crowd
We were returning from a trip to Milwaukee Timmerman after visiting the EAA AirVenture and were on VFR flight following from Chicago Approach on a busy frequency when we overheard…

We were returning from a trip to Milwaukee Timmerman after visiting the EAA AirVenture and were on VFR flight following from Chicago Approach on a busy frequency when we overheard this exchange:
Chicago Approach: “N1234 are you a flight of three?”
N1234: “Say again?”
Chicago Approach: “N1234, are you a flight of three?”
N1234: (After a pause) “Uh … no.”
Chicago Approach: “I asked because there are two other aircraft right behind you at your altitude and your route of flight.”
N1234: “That’s terrible!”
E. Joel Wesp
Columbus, OH

Editorial StaffAVweb
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