Short Final: Top Gun
A Tale of Two Airports: There seems to be a rivalry between San Diego International Airport (KSAN) and Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport (KDTW) on who is the legitimate owner…

Image: U.S. Navy/Mahlon K. Miller
A Tale of Two Airports:
There seems to be a rivalry between San Diego International Airport (KSAN) and Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport (KDTW) on who is the legitimate owner of Top Gun. TOPGN TWO ARRIVAL at KSAN has dogfights (DOGFTs) among TMCATs. But only two call signs of the protagonists. Goose (GUUSE) and Iceman (ISEMN).
But the winner is KDTW. TPGUN ONE ARRIVAL has many call signs of the protagonists starting, of course, with the “star” Maverick (MAVVV); followed by Viper (VYPRE), Wolfman (WLFMN), and Hollywood (HLIWD). And maybe in the upcoming Top Gun 2 movie, we’ll see the GOHST of Goose (GGUSE) who died in Top Gun 1. Seems that “Charlie” didn’t make the cut.
Luca Bencini‑Tibo
Weston, FL

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