Short Final: Vectors
On a recent LightHawk flight, we were approaching Willow Run, Michigan, just before sunset. The weather was clear enough for a visual approach to 23, but with the hour and…

On a recent LightHawk flight, we were approaching Willow Run, Michigan, just before sunset. The weather was clear enough for a visual approach to 23, but with the hour and the abundance of airports we hadn’t seen before, we thought it would be a good idea to utilize the RNAV 23 to make sure we were landing at the airport where we intended to land.
Us: “Detroit Approach, Citation 77E. We’re unfamiliar. Request vectors to the RNAV 23.”
Detroit Approach: “Citation 77E, that’s a real long way. You’d be very familiar by the time you landed. How about vectors to final instead?” We accepted.
Gabrielle Adelman
Watsonville, California

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