Short Final: Wind Shear

On final to Boeing Field 14R on a blustery Pacific Northwest fall day a Gulfstream reported wind shear upon landing. Gulfstream 123: “15 knot wind shear.” Tower: “What was your…

On final to Boeing Field 14R on a blustery Pacific Northwest fall day a Gulfstream reported wind shear upon landing.

Gulfstream 123: “15 knot wind shear.”

Tower: “What was your location when you encountered the wind shear?”

Gulfstream 123: “About 300 feet.”

Tower: “Baron 581CB did you copy that?”

Baron 581CB: “Affirmative.”

Tower: “Citation 425 did you copy that report.”

Citation 425: “Yee ha!”

Thomas Ysasi
Ketchum, ID