The Weekender: Hot Dogs, Homestyle Breakfasts and Homebuilding
A weekend getaway from Thanksgiving leftovers and shopping crowds is in store for pilots via SocialFlight, especially those looking for continuing education opportunities. If you’re still looking for food -perhaps something other than turkey – head south for breakfast and east for lunch.

A weekend getaway from Thanksgiving leftovers and shopping crowds is in store for pilots viaSocialFlight, especially those looking for continuing education opportunities. If you're still looking for food -- perhaps something other than turkey -- head south for breakfast and east for lunch.The Sugar Hill Pilots Association will hold its Fly-In Foot Long Hot Dog Day Saturday at Sugar Hill Airport in Delaware. The menu will include all-beef hot dogs, nachos, and breakfast sandwiches for early arrivals. Join Sugar Hill's 14 resident aircraft for good food and plenty of hangar talk. For a home-cooked southern breakfast, great fellowship and flying, check out the long-running South Carolina Breakfast Club in Winnsboro on Sunday. Everyone is welcome. No dues. No meeting requirements. Breakfast is around 6 to 10 dollars per plate, and there is always plenty.
For safety education, there will be a seminar on flight testing experimental aircraft Saturday at French Valley Airport in Murrieta, California. The presentation will focus on avoiding loss-of-control accidents. This PowerPoint presentation led by Peter Griffiths will make the case that a robust flight testing program can be key to avoiding many LOC events. Suggestions for how to achieve approach flight testing in amateur/built, experimental, and normally certificated airplanes are offered. Another seminar for pilots and homebuilders will take place Saturday at Lakeland-Linder Regional Airport in Florida. This month, EAA Chapter 454 will hold a workshop on flaring fuel and hydraulic lines to avoid leaks. This is a hands-on workshop for GA including ultralights and LSAs. Builders assistance is available, and no reservations are required. Come a little early for coffee and donuts. For a full listing of events for the upcoming week, check out SocialFlight.