The Weekender: Learn New Skills, Explore History, Or Just Play
In 1929, Amelia Earhart and 18 other female pilots set off from California to race to a finish line in Ohio — and this Friday, historian Bill Meixner will be telling that story, full of adventure, courage, and tragedy, at the International Women’s Air & Space Museum, at the Burke Lakefront Airport in Cleveland, Ohio. For more information, visit the free SocialFlight website or app, where this event is listed along with dozens more around the country.

In 1929, Amelia Earhart and 18 other female pilots set off from California to race to a finish line in Ohio -- and this Friday, historian Bill Meixner will be telling that story, full of adventure, courage, and tragedy, at the International Women's Air & Space Museum at the Burke Lakefront Airport in Cleveland, Ohio. The story comes with dinner and a chance to visit the museum, where you can learn about the contributions made to early aviation by the Wright brothers' sister, Katharine, all for just $15. For more information, visit the free SocialFlight website or app, where this event is listed along with dozens more around the country.
Other events coming up this weekend include an Emergency Procedures Safety Clinic, scheduled for Saturday at the Socorro Municipal Airport in New Mexico. This event offers pilots a chance to review emergency procedures while flying with an instructor. Participating CFIs have developed simulated scenarios using local airports and airspace for this special training session, sponsored by the New Mexico Pilots Association. Pilots who are in the mood just to relax and explore for the day are invited to a Fly-in/Cruise-in Breakfast at the Wings of Dreams Aviation Museum at the Keystone Airpark, on the waterfront, near Jacksonville, Fla. Breakfast is served from 8 to 10 a.m., followed by a program about building and flying model aircraft, and guided tours of the museum and historic space artifacts. More details, and more events, can be found at