Career Common Sense: Strategies Used by Successful Professionals
Cheryl Cage, one of the top career consultants in the aviation field, identifies six key approaches and traits that separate successful professionals from struggling ones. Cage’s two decades of experience in guiding thousands of clients into aviation careers has convinced her that following these six simple strategies on a daily basis with dedication and motivation can help maximize your prospects for career success.
Early inmy consulting career, I began to notice certain approaches and traits that were common tosuccessful professionals. On the flip side, while working with struggling professionals, Isaw a commonality in their mistakes. The area where the successful professionals excelledwere often the areas where struggling professionals made their mistakes.
All technical experience and expertise being equal, if you can adopt the followingstrategies, your chances for a smoother career path could dramatically increase.
1. Keep Networks Active
Many positions within aviation (especially entry to mid-level) are discovered byhearing about job openings from a friend or colleague. Successful professionals keep theirnetworks active, even if they feel they have reached the pinnacle of their careers. Theystay in contact with other professionals within their field, keep in touch with formeremployers and coworkers, and are actively involved in professional organizations. Throughkeeping their networks active not only do they keep themselves in the "loop" fornew opportunities but, if they are responsible for hiring or training, they can be thefirst to hear of a wonderful employee who is looking for a new challenge!
These professionals not only network for personal opportunities, they keep their eyesopen for opportunities others might enjoy. They approach life with a "mentorphilosophy." They are open and generous with their knowledge. Secure in themselvesand their talents, they are not afraid to help others succeed.
2. Do the Necessary Research
Aviation is an incredibly safety oriented, government regulated and critiqued, publiclyviewed industry. Successful professionals adhere to high safety standards and arecognizant of the need for rules and regulations. Because of these facts, they understandthe importance of discovering whether their potential employer is also dedicated tomaintaining high standards in safety and compliance.
It is extremely disruptive to your career progression to have to leave a company aftera few months because you discover the rumors about poor maintenance practices were true.It may be more disruptive to find yourself unemployed because the company declaresbankruptcy three weeks after you begin work. You can alleviate finding yourself in any ofthese situations by simply doing some basic homework. Visit the library or the Internetand review the company's financial history. Talk to past and present employees and listenclosely to their impressions about the company work atmosphere and financials. A few hoursof research can spare you months of unemployment! (In addition, knowing about the companyalso prepares you to shine in the interviewing process.)
3. Respect Employers and Coworkers
One of the most consistent traits successful professionals possess is an appropriaterespect for their employers and coworkers. This does not mean they follow orders withoutquestion or constantly acquiesce to their employers and peers. In fact, many of theseprofessionals have reputations for speaking their minds (see#4).
Successful professionals rarely use sick leave and when they do, the time off is valid.They have a reputation for chipping in when extra help is needed and respond as true teamplayers. They view every responsibility with equal importance from grooming to completingprojects on time to brainstorming about ways to improve their job performance and thus thecompany's bottom line. Although they look for ways to improve, their goal is not touncover "shortcuts" to make their job easier. In addition, you will rarely hearone of these individuals speak poorly about the company or its employees outside theproper channels.
When these professionals feel it is time to pursue other opportunities, their currentjob never takes a backseat to their job search. When they acquire the new job they showtheir respect and loyalty towards their employer by giving the minimum two-week notice.During those two weeks they continue to give full attention to their job (see #5).
4. Express Opinions and Handle Conflicts with Empathy
Successful professionals understand that, although their own opinions are valid, thereis never an excuse to embarrass another or be condescending to a less experiencedco-worker. Because of this knowledge, they express their opinions, voice their concernsand handle conflicts in a mature, straightforward and confidential manner.
Whenever possible, professionals go throughout the chain of command to resolveconflicts and problems. They give coworkers and bosses the benefit of the doubt. Theyconfirm rumors before reacting, keep confidences and do not contribute to personal gossip.
5. Stay Focused During Transition
In a field like aviation it is not uncommon to change jobs. When making a jobtransition, these professionals never forget the importance of remaining focused anddedicated to their current job.
I worked with one young professional who had finally been offered his dream job. Heappropriately gave his current employer notice that he would be leaving in one month.During that month, he took sick leave when he was not ill. He also became lackadaisical inhis attention to detail which resulted in his not being available when he was scheduled towork.
Unfortunately, when his dream company called for a recommendation, his current employerwas in the process of making the decision to terminate him because of current problems.Needless to say, the job offer was rescinded and his current employer made the decision toterminate him. Only through his past good work record, sincere embarrassment over hismistakes and his complete acceptance of responsibility was this individual able to savehis job. This was a very hard way to learn an important lesson.
6. Pursue Excellence
The successful professional never does just the minimum. In required professionalcourses and testing, they begin the preparation process early and are always prepared todo their best. They are knowledgeable about current events in their field. They are opento new ways of approaching old tasks.
As you can see, there is nothing magical about these sixstrategies. However, although they are simple, it does take dedication and motivation toput them into action on a daily basis.
As an adult, the only requirements to join the ranks of successful professionals are atrue desire to succeed in a career that you love, an openness to constructive criticismand the ideas of others, and the motivation to replace old habits with newer, morepositive approaches.
You most likely have all of the requirements, so begin using these approaches today andenhance your chances for success!