FBO Of The Week: Hutchinson County Airport

>>> AVWEB FUEL FINDER CURRENT PRICE FOR 100LL: $3.93 (up 6 from last week) CURRENT PRICE FOR JET A: $3.89 (up 7 from last week) Fuel prices provided weekly by AirNav, based on prices from the past 2 weeks. Changes are relative to last week's prices. /TEXT_ONLY--> AVweb’s “FBO of the Week” ribbon goes to Hutchinson County Airport at KBGD in Borger, Texas. AVweb reader Mack Secord said he received real Southwestern hospitality at the county-run facility. “After more than nine hours of flying in our Skylane, we were ready to call it a day when we selected Borger, Texas, as our overnight stop. Almost before the prop stopped turning, Ronnie Wood and his crew had chocked and tied down the airplane, unloaded our baggage and positioned the fuel truck for a load of 100LL at $3.05 per gallon. When we asked about a place to stay, they promptly made us reservations at a new nearby motel, suggested three local restaurants and gave us the keys to a Crown Victoria sedan (at no charge). On departure the next morning, they arranged for a simply stunning sunrise as they wished us farewell. (I’ll be submitting the photo of that sunrise for ‘Picture of the Week!’) This was Southwestern hospitality at its finest.” Keep those nominations coming. For complete contest rules, click here. AVweb is actively seeking out the best FBOs in the country and another one, submitted by you, will be spotlighted here next Monday!

AVweb's "FBO of the Week" ribbon goes to Hutchinson County Airport at KBGD in Borger, Texas.

AVweb reader Mack Secord said he received real Southwestern hospitality at the county-run facility.

"After more than nine hours of flying in our Skylane, we were ready to call it a day when we selected Borger, Texas, as our overnight stop. Almost before the prop stopped turning, Ronnie Wood and his crew had chocked and tied down the airplane, unloaded our baggage and positioned the fuel truck for a load of 100LL at $3.05 per gallon. When we asked about a place to stay, they promptly made us reservations at a new nearby motel, suggested three local restaurants and gave us the keys to a Crown Victoria sedan (at no charge). On departure the next morning, they arranged for a simply stunning sunrise as they wished us farewell. (I'll be submitting the photo of that sunrise for 'Picture of the Week!') This was Southwestern hospitality at its finest."

Keep those nominations coming. For complete contest rules, click here.

AVweb is actively seeking out the best FBOs in the country and another one, submitted by you, will be spotlighted here next Monday!