Pilot Workshop #3: Improving Rudder Skills

Rudder pedals are not meant to be footrests. In this 15 minute workshop, Wally Moran explains the importance of good rudder skills and how proper coordination improves safety, performance and passenger comfort. This workshop is brought to you free of charge by PilotWorkshops.com.

Rudder pedals are not meant to be footrests. In this 15 minute workshop, Wally Moran explains the importance of good rudder skills and how proper coordination improves safety, performance and passenger comfort.

You will learn:

  • 4 reasons why proper rudder use is important;
  • The negative effect of left turning tendencies;
  • How to properly apply rudder throughout a turn;
  • A common mistake on takeoff and how you can tell;
  • The importance of using rudder in stall recovery; and
  • Exercises you can use to improve rudder skills
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