Podcast: Bach Flying
Author and avid pilot Richard Bach is back at the keyboard and back in the cockpit after surviving a serious crash in his beloved SeaRey amphib Puff 18 months ago. AVweb’s Russ Niles spoke with him about the crash, the new book he wrote about the crash, and the fourth part of “Jonathan Livingston Seagull.” Spoiler Alert: Crashing an airplane and almost dying is actually kind of cool, but hospitals suck.
Author and avid pilot Richard Bach is back at the keyboard and back in the cockpit after surviving a serious crash in his beloved SeaRey amphib Puff 18 months ago. AVweb's Russ Niles spoke with him about the crash, the new book he wrote about the crash, and the fourth part of Jonathan Livingston Seagull.
Spoiler Alert: Crashing an airplane and almost dying is actually kind of cool, but hospitals suck.
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