Short Final

We flew a group of customers from North Carolina to Canada for a factory visit. This was a part 91 corporate trip, in a King Air 200. When we returned several days later, our Canadian airport had turned into the ice planet of Hoth: not just snow but ice everywhere. We got clearance to taxi from ground and I was barely moving trying to steer with just differential thrust. An airport vehicle called for clearance to move and he was told to hold for the King Air taxing out. The following exchange took place … Airport vehicle: “What King Air? … Tower: “I don’t see him. Oh wait, there he is. He is BARELY moving. … Me, in my obviously Southern drawl: “Hey, we are doing the best we can! … Tower: “Don’t you have spikes on your tires?… Me, in an even deeper Southern drawl: “Well we bought some chains, but nobody onboard knows how to put them on! … Tower: “Sounds of multiple people laughing. … Dan Moore

We flew a group of customers from North Carolina to Canada for a factory visit. This was a part 91 corporate trip, in a King Air 200.When we returned several days later, our Canadian airport had turned into the ice planet of Hoth: not just snow but ice everywhere. We got clearance to taxi from ground and I was barely moving trying to steer with just differential thrust. An airport vehicle called for clearance to move and he was told to hold for the King Air taxing out. The following exchange took place.

Airport vehicle: "What King Air?"

Tower: "I don't see him. Oh wait, there he is. He is BARELY moving"

Me, in my obviously Southern drawl: "Hey, we are doing the best we can!"

Tower: "Don't you have spikes on your tires?"

Me, in an even deeper Southern drawl: "Well we bought some chains, but nobody onboard knows how to put them on!"

Tower: "Sounds of multiple people laughing."

Dan Moore