Short Final

I was on my way back to Chicago Midway after delivering some freight out east. “It was a dark and stormy night” with scattered thunderstorms and few airplanes. I was with Cleveland approach when this call came through. … Something Something Yankee: “Cleveland, this is Something Something Yankee. How do you hear?” … Cleveland: “Loud and clear. How me?” … Something Something Yankee: “Loud and clear, sir.” … After a bit of time, this communication was repeated. There seemed to be no other traffic in the area, and certainly radio chatter was absent. … After Something Something Yankee had made his fourth request, this came over the frequency from an unknown transmitter: “Something Something Yankee, too loud and too often.” … There was quiet at that point. — Linda D. Pendleton

I was on my way back to Chicago Midway after delivering some freight out east. "It was a dark and stormy night" with scattered thunderstorms and few airplanes. I was with Cleveland approach when this call came through.

Something Something Yankee:
"Cleveland, this is Something Something Yankee. How do you hear?"

"Loud and clear. How me?"

Something Something Yankee:
"Loud and clear, sir."

After a bit of time, this communication was repeated. There seemed to be no other traffic in the area, and certainly radio chatter was absent.

After Something Something Yankee had made his fourth request, this came over the frequency from an unknown transmitter:
"Something Something Yankee, too loud and too often."

There was quiet at that point.

Linda D. Pendleton