Short Final

This afternoon, my six-year-old son and I went out to the airport to check on things at the hangar. The weather was rainy and IMC. We watched a Cherokee land after shooting an instrument approach. I made some comment about being able to fly instruments soon, when I finish my instrument rating. My son turned to me with this puzzled and concerned look. “Dad, how do you turn the airplane when you are playing an instrument?” — Patrick G. Bramlett, via e-mail

This afternoon, my six-year-old son and I went out to the airport to check on things at the hangar. The weather was rainy and IMC. We watched a Cherokee land after shooting an instrument approach. I made some comment about being able to fly instruments soon, when I finish my instrument rating.

My son turned to me with this puzzled and concerned look. "Dad, how do you turn the airplane when you are playing an instrument?"

Patrick G. Bramlett
via e-mail