Short Final
Choppy conditions prevailed one recent evening along the Florida coast as we progressed toward Miami. We were behind several aircraft headed in the same direction when Miami Center told a Delta flight to slow to 260 knots in the descent. The exchange went something like this: … Delta: “260 knots?” … Miami Center: “Yes. The regional jet ahead of you has slowed.” … Delta: “Is he towing a banner?” — Todd Mitton, via e-mail
Choppy conditions prevailed one recent evening along the Florida coast as we progressed toward Miami. We were behind several aircraft headed in the same direction when Miami Center told a Delta flight to slow to 260 knots in the descent. The exchange went something like this:
"260 knots?"
Miami Center:
"Yes. The regional jet ahead of you has slowed."
"Is he towing a banner?"
Todd Mitton
via e-mail

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