Short Final

While flying in the “northwest practice area” about 10 miles northwest of Columbus, Georgia listening to Atlanta Approach, I heard this exchange: … ATL: “Piper 123, we have you as a PA-28, but your airspeed suggests otherwise.” … Piper 123: “No, we are a PA-34.” … ATL: “O.K. I’ll update your plan to show you have an extra engine today.” — Chris Cook, via e-mail

While flying in the "northwest practice area" about 10 miles northwest of Columbus, Georgia listening to Atlanta Approach, I heard this exchange:

"Piper 123, we have you as a PA-28, but your airspeed suggests otherwise."

Piper 123:
"No, we are a PA-34."

"O.K. I'll update your plan to show you have an extra engine today."

Chris Cook
via e-mail