Short Final
Last week at our local airport (CYKF), the automated AWOS/ATIS was out of commission. So one of our well-known ATC guys (Dave Clark, who was working ground control at the time) was heard on the ATIS frequency stating: “The automated AWOS/ATIS is currently unavailable. Winds are light and variable, and vis is CAVOK; runway 14 is in use, altimeter 29:95.” The pilot ahead of me taxiing out called ground and said: “Waterloo Ground, this is Cessna CXYZ with information DAVE!” The ground controller (Dave Clark) immediately broke up, and we all had a good chuckle. T. G. Bennettvia e-mail
Last week at our local airport (CYKF), the automated AWOS/ATIS was out of commission. So one of our well-known ATC guys (Dave Clark, who was working ground control at the time) was heard on the ATIS frequency stating:
"The automated AWOS/ATIS is currently unavailable. Winds are light and variable, and vis is CAVOK; runway 14 is in use, altimeter 29:95."
The pilot ahead of me taxiing out called ground and said:
"Waterloo Ground, this is Cessna CXYZ with information DAVE!"
The ground controller (Dave Clark) immediately broke up, and we all had a good chuckle.
T. G. Bennett
via e-mail

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